Will all New members please note the following

Due to recent problems with certain organisations and malicious individuals THIS is the only section of this forum you will be able to access as a Guest for the time being. When you have registered and your details verified then you will have full access to the forum. I'm sorry we have had to take these measures but it is all down to selfish, childish and malicious individuals who would ruin it for others
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Will all New members please note the following

Post by Gerry »

Due to the large influx of new members and the fact that a lot of members have not posted even though they may have been members for a considerable time, the bandwidth is now getting restricted and consequently slowing down the forum for active members.  Consequently if a new member has not posted within 14 days of registration then their account will be deleted.  Current members who have zero post counts and have been members for more than one month will also be deleted.  This does not prevent you re-registering BUT the same conditions will apply and should this happen twice then the individual will be prevented from registering.  We are sorry to have to take this measure but this is a free forum and as such has a limited bandwidth allocation which, to be fair, should go as a priority to active members.

When you register please just take the time to introduce yourself and complete the 'location' section of your profile.  Location must entail the town/city if in the UK and also the country if outside the UK.  Failure to complete this section will result in the account being deleted.

Steve, Co-admin

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important for new members

Post by porkyyorky »

an intro is all that is needed in your first post, in this newbie section.
if you start asking other questions about your guns etc, any information/links/pics etc that other members give you will be lost after a month or two, it's the way the forum works, so ask your questions in the appropriate section and it will last as long as the forum probably and give others the info as well.


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Re: Will all New members please note the following

Post by Brutuz »

An introduction topic is the puppy thing to do. Don't be shy.
Airgun collector and tinkerer, most airguns are from China, others from Germany, Spain, Turkey, USA
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New members: welcome, browse the forum, post here and there, and become part of our community
